Yorktown’s Sunken Fleet

Narrative: Why did the British General Cornwallis come to Yorktown in 1781? What caused General Cornwallis to decide it was a good military decision to sink his own ships along the York River waterfront? Join us for an exploration of the history and archaeology and learn about the current status of the Yorktown Sunken Fleet.

 Orientation and 4 – 20 Minute Stations:

  1. The Siege of Yorktown /Map Studies
  2. STEM to Stern – The Shipwreck Betsy
  3. Life During the Siege – Drawing the Past
  4. Life After a Shipwreck – Underwater Habitats

Grade level: 4-12

Program Location: Watermen’s Museum

Program Length: 1.5 hours

Program Cost: $5 per participant

To schedule a program tour at the museum or to receive more information, please call (757) 887-2641 or email “admin @watermens.org” (please remove space from address and copy to your email “TO” section.