Virginia Indian Heritage

Web Powatan FishingThe students will explore the world of the Algonquian-speaking peoples that lived in the Chesapeake region at the time of the English arrival at Jamestown in 1607. Hands on stations will allow the students to learn about the maritime heritage of the first watermen of Virginia .

Orientation and 4 – 15 Minute Stations:

  1. World of the Powhatan / Map Studies
  2. Life in a Powhatan Village
  3. Hands-On Crafts
  4. Fishing Techniques

Grade level: K – 12

Program Location: Watermen’s Museum

Program Length: 1.5 hours

Program Cost: $5 per participant

To schedule a program tour at the museum or to receive more information, please call (757) 887-2641 or email “admin” (please remove space from address and copy to your email “TO” section.