The Yorktown Sunken Fleet

1781 to the Present Day

After losing the Battle of the Capes in September 1781, General Cornwallis had all of his transports and cargo ships sunk along the Virginia waterfront as a barricade to an amphibious assault by the French Navy.  What happened to all of the ships after the British surrender?  Join us for an exploration of our shared underwater history.

Orientation and 3 – 20 Minute Stations:

  1. The Siege of Yorktown timeline / Map
  2. Ships , Naval Weapons, and Everyday Things
  3. The Sunken Fleet / French Refloating
  4. Our Underwater ROV (unmanned submarine) Project

Grade level: 4-12

Program Location: Watermen’s Museum

Program Length: 1.5 hours

Program Cost: $5 per participant

Listen to a description of Cornwallis ‘ Fleet by Fleet Historian and Archaeologist John Broadwater.  Audio is courtesy of Colonial Williamsbburg.

To schedule a program tour at the museum or to receive more information, please call (757) 887-2641 or email “admin” (please remove space from address and copy to your email “TO” section.