Chef Battle on Yorktown Day 2019

Join us for the Battle of the Chefs! This Saturday, 19 October, 12 – 4 PM. FREE to the public. But, if you want VIP tickets to taste everything the Chefs have created, the cost is only $25 per person (

Chef K (representing the British) vs. Chef Big E. (Representing the Americans and French) will battle it out on the anniversary date of the end of the 1781 Battle of Yorktown.

Didja know that the chefs will have a pantry, but they won’t know what proteins (meats) they’ll have to cook until the battle begins? And, a surprise ingredient they will have to incorporate will be announced sometime during the battle.

Click on this link to see Chef K cooking a great butternut squash recipe and to hear more about the upcoming battle.…/chef-k-talks-about-the-first-…/amp/

So, join us for a great Battle of the Chefs. Who knows? The British might actually win this second Battle of Yorktown…they did have the home field advantage during the first battle…at least for a while. So, come root for your favorite team!